seals (internal interlocks)
reality, total immersion in reality and the ubiquitous availability of unlimited opportunity in total immersion in reality
cultivation of an IDEA (see below)

hazards to avoid:

alternative to immersion in reality (to toy, tinker, and
otherwise interfere with vital statisics of the self) - :
(typically) such as with substance misuse, redirection of natural outlets into synthetic paths and
denial of the self of truth (distinguished from denial of self for the development of a more attuned self)

The Solution
by producing a product which PEOPLE CAN ***LIVE*** WITH, become a millionaire or billionaire

Cultivation of an Idea
An idea can be cultivated the same way a plant can be cultivated
That is, it needs to be - :
o planted
o irrigated
o fertillised
o grown

For a plant
For an average yield, ... use average quality seed, water, nutrient, and energy<
To become a billionaire (or if you are not that keen,a millionaire) USE - : finest seed;
rainwater or mineral water; herbaceous compost, manure and biosensitive nutrients, and *avoid* distressed sources of matter
plenty of natural light (solar and lunar)
How do you do this with an Idea?

You do it like this:
Discover the idea first in your creativity
Make some notes about the crucial essential elements of the idea, so you can read it back to your creativity and reinforce it in your mind

Construct a container with sufficient storage space to contain all your idea(s). This container must be devoted to the task, and cannot be perishable
Transfer the idea from paper into pure thought, and entrust it into the container you have prepared

Knowledge to accept with understanding:
Stopping, to "make time" actually means stopping so that there is no time at all, except for that which you are preparing to perform in the space you make by stopping

If you do this, you actually put the force of life behind and adjacent the containers capacity, and it will commit to inlaying itself to the purpose-built container

The self needs regular nurturing to grow healthily and be happy
By avoiding competing *against* others in your own sphere of work one can avoid wasting energy on pointless argument which cannot be recovered easily (or at all) and it is IMPOSSIBLE to nurture the self regularly if one is competing against other people (or life of any form)
Remember: those same people will be your customers one day. The one thing you don't need is a massive asshole of an ego sticking you in the face when you are ready to do business professionally
Money isn't everything
Money isn't everything
Life is everything. You can't have money if you're not alive, right?

So What, you say
Well, don't. Say, true, very true.... truer.... Now you've got it
This is as true as economic theory gets
Money isn't everything, or in fact anything until LIFE IS EVERYTHING
That is, and this is a fact: until life is worth living, money is worthless
You have to have the keen zest for and of life before money can even be thought of
Why am I saying all this? I am NOT trying to dissuade you from becoming millionairres or billionairres
Just like children need to hear about the birds and the bees, this is that analogous "little talk" for aspiring millionairres and billionairres

We continue...
You Do Not get the zest for life by TAKING IT FROM SOMEONE( or thing) else
One must have it