resolution of trauma and psilocybe mushroom experience
Before I begin I must install a caveat: the decision-making tree of experience of a human (or any living being) must not be replaced or the attempt to make a substitute by the action of a chemical
Once must be a ble to honestly meditate on the decision, equally favouring the decision not to consume with the decision to consume, and
one must have a genuine purpose beforehand
Typically people respond to psilocybe muchroom experiences by saying they look back on those experiences as being a beneficial turning point in their lives
Generally they are nice people
Caveat emptor (Latin: "let the buyer (emptor) beware (caveat)") The consumption of a chemical for a euporia or other psychedelic experience alone without purpose or need is discouraged strongly
A psychonaught can argue that they have a specific journey in mind. Others, who are yet to learn the benefits of correct scene and setting, and the mandatory security of the persistent presence of these preperatory steps must educate themselves before contiuing with this documentation

Taking "drugs" is a poor man's view of what could be a structurally sound approach to retraining the mind to connect with itself more acceptably
Drugs such as amphetamines amphetamine, methamphetamine and perhaps methylenedioxy methamphetamine (or just methylenedioxy amphetamine), or heroin, or cannabis, or synthetics like PCP, or LSD, perhaps LSA are limited in their long-term benefit as far as acceptability is concerned
However, in short-term demand, some may be useful in emergencies
For example, if someone was sufering from a asthma attack, and there was no whole lemon available, or no salbutamol available, BUT
there were available amphetamine or MDMA or even methamphetamine or LSD or LSA perhaps, myabe DMT, and definitely cannabis in small amount, these can prevent asphyxiation until professional health life support system is available

The purpose of this document is to say this:
Firstly, and adequately:
If one consumes drugs for no real reason other than they "get you high" then you have no business consuming any such substance
Purposeless drug affectation leads to wayward behaviour and maliferous decision-making, often as lacking in foresight as the decision to consume the substance People don't eat because it is fun. There is a meaningful reason and purpose involved in food collection, preparation and eating
No different then is the decision to consume a psychedelic
IN FACT it is impoerative and mandatory that serious consideration - meditation even- on the decision to consider consuming a psychoactive substance
One must be able to meditate on the possibility that one may in fact not need any such substance to do what they need to do One must accept that overdose generally is quite unpleasant and hazardous, and th combination of psychedelia and overdose can be itself traumatic
--------------------------------o-------------------------------- If you get a battery and a piece of conductor such as copper wire and connect it to a light, one can illuminate a dark area of space with that circuit. Before one does this, one needs preparation in order to be able to
One must have [o] a space; [o] a battery; [o] a wire; [o] a light
Ideally one must also have one more ingredient for success: one must have a need,
OTHERWISE one is fooling with physics and science and reality and will be fooled by them

Why would one NEED to consume a psychedelic, then?
My two serious considered choices are only [o] psychonaught discovery of the self; and [o] remedy of trauma

Correctly shammanned, a psychonaught can learn an inexhaustibly greater sense and self-worth than one could without psychedelics
Correctly shamanned, psychedelics sych as psilocybe mushrooms are definites for candidacy for remedial post-trauma psychotherapy
This may not be too much to consider...

What really gets my goat steamed up is this however:
People may think magic mushrooms are dangerous...
psylocybe mushrooms are a psychoative which effect a self-imposed rigorous mental exercise which can seriously ward one away from hazards in the future- especially hazardous decision-making
Advice from the other side: If you walk away from mushrooms, do not abandon them completely forever, even if you never consume them in the future, or you may miss this benefit in full strength (and therefore find one must negotiate hazards more than typical- that is, life can be too hazardous if one avoids a naturally occurring phenomenon with too much extreme austerity);
a balance is needed to maintain normalcy, it seems
Image credit : (c) Richard Tehan – some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA) psilocybe azurescens photograph